«Comment on the following statement»

It’s reported that billions of dollars are spent on space exploration project every year. Some people believe that this money should be used to solve problems on Earth.

     Nowadays a lot of people spend much money on explorations and different projects. For example, billions of dollars are spent on space exploration projects every year.

    I think it is not right. I believe that this money should be used to solve problems on (the) Earth. A lot of people on the Earth need help. We should take care about people who are ill. Governments should spend money       on the retirement, the widowed, the disabled and women who just got a child. We should respect our nature, because there is a problem with the atmosphere. So we should protect our animals, because they are in         danger too.

    If we shouldn’t care about our Earth, humanity will disappear. Many animals will die and become ill many people. We must save our planet.

    First of all, in my opinion, the government should spend money to solve social problems.

    But there are people who think that space exploration is very useful. It helps to learn about new planets and stars, to do scientific discoveries. It’s wonderful, of course, but I don’t agree with it.

     At the end, we need take care of each other; instead of spend money on space projects. 

Морина Валерия, 11 "Б"