«Using mobile phones at school – Использование мобильных телефонов в школе»

Today mobile phones become more popular with people than previous years. Especially children like them. It is comfortable and cheerful to have phones. Many parents worry not having on opportunity to control their children of any moment they would like to. But teachers think that mobile phones disturb from studying. Pupils can send sms on lessons, call, use Internet and distract other pupils. That’s why at some schools pupils receive the mobile phones only outside the school building.

     I think that it needn’t to take phones way from children. It is enough to forbid using them at the lessons. Parents can control their children. And pupils have to turn off the sound of their phones or leave a cabinet for a minute to tell relatives that all is well. If pupil doesn’t listen to the teacher and takes his/her phone at the lesson teachers can take it away and return after the working-day.

     As for me, I take my phone at school, I use it when it is necessary for me, but I never call at the lesson or never play games. My parents don’t worry. They know where I’m. I think that it parents want to control their children when they are at school, they should call on breaks not distracting their children.

     Now, people can’t do without mobile phones. But, I believe, it is necessary to limit access to them for good and quality education.

Морина Валерия, 11 «Б»