«Playing sports help to reduce stress» 

Spend time healthily is fashionable nowadays among people of all ages. The member of people who begin playing sport increases. Somebody plays sports to have a beautiful athletic body. For others it is a hobby. And someone does sports to reduce stress.

In my opinion sport is one of the best hobbies that a person can have. If you do all correctly it will be useful and will never be harmful for you. Experts say that if you regullary play sports, you will not have depression and you will develop your stability to stress. It can be yoga, aerobics or any kind of sports such as running or swimming. You can start going to gym or just doing different exercises at home in the morning and jogging around neighbour hood. Besides your sleeping and the work of heart will improve. And your bones will be more strong.

But unfortunately always playing sports is not useful. Some people are forbiden  to do sport  because they have some problems with their health. If they do physical exercises it can harm them. Moreover, everyone can be injured playing sports. A person can pull a muscle or discolate or even break some limb.

Stress can be reduced in other ways. For example, you can just walk or work in the garden. It helps in the fight against depression as well. In conclution, I would say that if you want to be strong healthy and have not any stress you should go in for sports.